Want to start your own side hustle from home… but don't know where to start?
Download The Discover Your Own Online Side Hustle Workbook!
Here's a sneak peek at what's inside: 
✅ Step-by-step guide to uncovering the perfect side hustle that aligns with your skills, interests, and goals.
✅ Learn how to turn your unique skills and passions into a profitable online side hustle.
✅ Practical tips, strategies, and real-life examples to kickstart your side hustle journey with confidence.
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August 2022 YouTube & Business Income Report

Each month I publish a YouTube and blog Income Report showing you how much money I made in my business as well as some lessons learned that contributed to that success and outcome.

My goal is to be transparent with you, show you the ups and downs as well as inspire you to hopefully build your own YouTube channel and/or blog.

Money Motivation

What To Budget For In September


Don’t let the last of the summer fun and distractions blow your September Budget! Here are six things to add to your September budget! 
Remember, budgets are NOT constricting but instead give you FREEDOM to be in control of your money, rather than your money in CONTROL OF YOU!

How to Declutter Your Mind with a Brain Dump

Brain dumping is essentially getting all of the thoughts in your head out on paper.

When you brain dump you are writing down everything from things that you have to do that day, people you have to call, things that are stressing you out, or important ideas for an upcoming meeting.

Genetic Testing Showed I'm A Cancer Risk

My OBGYN urged me to undergo genetic testing because of my family history. I’ve gone back and forth on it for years because I felt that if it was positive, I was just a ticking time bomb.

She understood that but also explained that with the genetic testing if it is positive, we can use that to get insurance to cover earlier screenings so that we can catch anything early.

So I did it. I was positive for a gene for colon cancer and 33.5% likely to get breast cancer. Anything over 20% is high risk.

How To Earn MORE Points On Fetch Rewards

Do you want to earn even MORE points with Fetch Rewards that you can redeem for gift cards at your favorite retailers and restaurants?

I’ve seen many ways to make FAKE RECEIPTS online to earn points… trust me. DO. NOT. DO. THIS!!!

Uploading fake receipts into Fetch Rewards will get your account banned very quickly.

Today I’m sharing 7 ways to earn more points on Fetch Rewards… that are legit and won’t get your account banned!


Each month I publish a YouTube and blog Income Report showing you how much money I made in my business as well as some lessons learned that contributed to that success and outcome.

My goal is to be transparent with you, show you the ups and downs as well as inspire you to hopefully build your own YouTube channel and/or blog.