Shopping around for insurance is never a fun time. Either you’re calling agency after agency hoping to find the best rate or spending time filling out paperwork for brokers.
That’s where Gabi is changing the insurance buying game. Acting as your personal broker, Gabi looks at your policy and gets you instant insurance quotes with almost no waiting. It’s time to look at the insurance industry differently!
The first step of the Dave Ramsey Wealth Building Plan is Baby Step 1. This step is saving $1,000 as quickly as you can for your ‘starter’ emergency fund. Baby Step 1 assumes that you have cut up all of your credit cards, so you are solely relying on a cash emergency fund. The minimal savings amount of $1,000 is to light a proverbial fire under your butt.
What do you do when you have more month left at the end of your money, an unexpected bill comes and you can’t pay it?
Today I’m sharing 5 ways to cut $500 from your budget!