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Category: Mindset & Productivity

How to set goals with the 12 week year

Setting goals is important because it helps you clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, use your time and resources effectively, and increase your chances of achieving what you want in life.
Unfortunately, goal setting alone is not enough. That’s when The 12 Week Year comes in where you set to accomplish a year’s worth of goals in just 12 weeks. 

what I wish I knew when I started

About 7 years ago, I was sitting on my couch, bundled up in a blanket, my cat Piper trying to share my lap with my laptop… and tears running down my face.
Was I watching another Nicholas Sparks chick flick (Jayme has ban me from watching them because they make me cry to the point of getting a headache)? I wish, instead I was looking at my budget and I saw I was -$374.87 … again.

11 Ways To Deal with Burnout

Whether you’re a stay at home mom, a CEO of a fortune 500 company, a content creator, an office worker, a student.

Here are some techniques that have helped with my burnout, they may not all work for you, so try a couple out, if they don’t work, come back again to this article and try a couple more.

How to Declutter Your Mind with a Brain Dump

Brain dumping is essentially getting all of the thoughts in your head out on paper.

When you brain dump you are writing down everything from things that you have to do that day, people you have to call, things that are stressing you out, or important ideas for an upcoming meeting.