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Tag: how to save money


This week I was prescribed a new prescription, when I got to the pharmacy counter they told me the total was $59! Thankfully I had the FREE GoodRx app which brought the cost down to only $17!


It’s easy to walk into the grocery store and add $20 or $50 worth of items that aren’t on your grocery list. Food is the second highest item in the average American’s budget, right behind housing.

Today, I’m sharing 6 easy ways to save money on groceries.


Did you know that groceries and food is on average the first highest line item in a person’s budget? Here are some of my favorite kitchen products that save me money, reduce food waste, and help the environment!


Let’s be honest, saving money can be boring and challenging. I am a very competitive person and if I can make a game out of saving money, it makes me work that much harder.


I love the trend on YouTube where creators show how much they spend in one week.  It’s especially fascinating to see how different


The goals you set are too high and not realistic. You need to make sure that you set goals that are attainable and


May was a great month for Jayme and I, we didn’t hit our goal of $2,000 but we still did really great. We were able to bring in $11,195.38 of income and $1,400.48 of that was from side hustle!


Here are my top tips for shopping at Aldi! The first time I stepped foot in Aldi I walked through the store and


It takes money to make money! This is something that we have heard our whole lives, especially in business. But also, sometimes it


When people ask me how to cut their grocery budget, the very first tip I give them is to start shopping at Aldi!