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How to SAVE MONEY without feeling deprived: 7 EASY TIPS

Saving money can be a daunting task, especially if you feel like you have to deprive yourself of the things you enjoy. But the truth is, saving money doesn’t have to be a sacrifice. 

With a little bit of creativity and discipline, you can save money without feeling like you’re missing out. In this article, we’ll explore seven easy tips to help you save money without feeling deprived.

Whether you’re just starting out on your savings journey or looking for new ways to boost your savings, these tips will help you achieve your financial goals while still enjoying the things you love.

>> Click here to watch How to SAVE MONEY without feeling deprived: 7 EASY TIPS

Identify Your Spending Triggers

Saving money doesn’t have to mean sacrificing everything you enjoy. In fact, one of the keys to successful saving is understanding your spending triggers. By identifying the situations or emotions that lead you to spend money, you can develop strategies to avoid them and save money in the process.

Understanding Your Spending Triggers

Spending triggers are situations or emotions that cause you to spend money unnecessarily. For example, you might be triggered to spend money when you’re feeling bored, stressed, or anxious. Or you might have certain situations, like going out with friends or browsing online shopping sites, that always seem to lead to unplanned purchases.

Ask yourself, “when I’m feeling ‘spendy’, why am I feeling that way?”

To identify your spending triggers, start by keeping track of your spending for a week or two. Write down every purchase you make, along with the reason why you made it. This can help you identify patterns in your spending that can clue you in to your triggers.

This useful printable will help you decide if your impulse purchase is a good idea or not!
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Strategies for Avoiding Spending Triggers

Once you’ve identified your spending triggers, you can start to develop strategies for avoiding them. For example, if you tend to spend money when you’re feeling stressed, you might try other stress-relief techniques, like going for a walk or doing some yoga, instead of shopping.

Other strategies might include:

  • Avoiding certain situations that trigger you to spend money, like window shopping or browsing online stores.
  • Unsubscribing from marketing emails or unfollowing social media accounts that tempt you to spend.
  • Setting spending limits for certain categories, like dining out or entertainment, and sticking to them.
  • Delaying gratification by waiting 24 hours before making a purchase to see if you still want or need it.
  • Finding free or low-cost alternatives to expensive activities or hobbies.

Identifying your spending triggers and developing strategies to avoid them can help you save money without feeling deprived. By understanding your motivations for spending, you can make conscious choices about how you use your money and find ways to enjoy life without breaking the bank.

Set Realistic Goals

Setting realistic goals is an important part of any successful savings plan. When you set goals that are too ambitious or unrealistic, you can quickly become discouraged and give up on your plan altogether.

On the other hand, setting goals that are too easy or vague can make it hard to stay motivated and track your progress. In this section, we’ll look at some tips for setting realistic goals that can help you stay motivated and on track with your savings plan.

Tips for Setting Realistic Goals

  • Be Specific: When setting goals, it’s important to be as specific as possible. Rather than simply saying “I want to save money,” try setting a specific savings goal, like “I want to save $500 in the next three months.”
  • Make it Achievable: Setting a goal that is too ambitious can be demotivating, so make sure your goals are achievable based on your income and expenses. Look at your budget and determine how much you can realistically save each month, then set a goal that is achievable based on that number.
  • Break it Down: Large goals can be overwhelming, so break them down into smaller, more manageable goals. For example, if you want to save $500 in three months, break it down into smaller goals, like saving $167 per month or $42 per week.
  • Set a Deadline: Setting a deadline can help you stay motivated and on track with your goals. Make sure your deadline is realistic, but also challenging enough to keep you motivated.
  • Celebrate Milestones: Celebrating small victories along the way can help you stay motivated and on track. When you reach a milestone, like saving $100 or $250, take a moment to celebrate your progress.
This useful printable to track your goals!
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Setting realistic goals is an important part of any savings plan. By setting specific, achievable goals and breaking them down into manageable steps, you can stay motivated and on track with your plan. Remember to celebrate small victories along the way and adjust your goals as needed to ensure they remain realistic and achievable.

Find LESS EXPENSIVE Alternatives

One of the biggest expenses that many people have each month is their cell phone bill. But did you know that you can save a lot of money by switching to a less expensive cell phone carrier?

If you’ve ever thought “Why is my wireless bill so high” then let me tell you about my partner Mint Mobile, who I’m partnering with today.

Hear me out… when we think of switching our cell phone provider we think it’s going to be super complicated. 

Can I keep my number? Do I have to get a new phone? 

The great news is you can keep your current device, phone number, and easily switch services. It’s not complicated at all and you can save a TON of money. 

How much are you paying right now for your cell phone bill a month? I bet you, it’s way too high!

Switch to Mint Mobile today and pay as low as $15 a month and you don’t have to sacrifice any coverage, speed, or data.

Mint Mobile is built on the nation’s largest 5G network and they keep costs low because they sell directly to you online – they cut out the retail stores and salespeople.

Switching to Mint Mobile is super easy. Here’s how amazing they are and what they offer:

  • Digital eSIM cards, you can sign-up and activate them immediately right on your phone from the comfort of your home.
  • Unlimited nationwide talk and text, plus lightning-fast 5G and free mobile hotspot.
  • Mint Mobile will show you how much data you use each month and recommend plans that save you money.
  • Mint also offers a Modern Family Plan that lets you set up a super affordable family plan with as little as two lines.

Stop paying more than you need to on your wireless bill and start saving BIG with Mint Mobile. 

What are you waiting for?! 

>> Click here to get premium wireless starting at $15 a month!

Being On A Budget Will Help You NOT Feel Deprived

Being on a budget can help you achieve your financial goals without feeling deprived. A budget is simply a plan for your money that helps you manage your expenses and savings, so you can allocate your money towards the things that matter most to you. In this section, we’ll explore how being on a budget can help you reach your goals, and how a budget spreadsheet template can make the process easier.

A Budget Will Help You Prioritize Your Spending

When you’re on a budget, you have a clear picture of where your money is going. This makes it easier to prioritize your spending and allocate your money towards the things that matter most to you. For example, if your goal is to save for a down payment on a house, you can allocate more money towards your savings and cut back on discretionary expenses like eating out or entertainment.

Stay Motivated

Having a budget can help you stay motivated to reach your financial goals. When you see your progress towards your goals on paper, it can be very encouraging and help you stay on track. For example, if you’re trying to pay off debt, seeing the balance go down each month can help you stay motivated and committed to your plan.

Reduce Stress

Being on a budget can also help reduce financial stress. When you have a plan for your money, you don’t have to worry as much about unexpected expenses or overspending. This can give you a greater sense of control over your finances and reduce anxiety.

How a Budget Spreadsheet Template Can Help You?

Simplify the Process: Creating a budget can seem overwhelming, but a budget spreadsheet template can simplify the process. With a template, you have a pre-made format to plug in your numbers and track your expenses, which can save you time and reduce stress.

Make Adjustments: A budget spreadsheet template is also flexible, so you can make adjustments as needed. If you have an unexpected expense, you can adjust your budget to accommodate it without starting from scratch.

Visualize Your Progress: A budget spreadsheet template can help you visualize your progress towards your financial goals. You can track your spending and savings over time, and see how you’re progressing towards your goals.

Being on a budget can help you achieve your financial goals without feeling deprived. By prioritizing your spending, staying motivated, and reducing financial stress, a budget can be a powerful tool for financial success.

By using a budget spreadsheet template, you can simplify the process and visualize your progress towards your goals. If you’re interested in getting started with a budget, consider using my budget spreadsheet template, which is designed to make the process easy and intuitive.

More Ways To Save:

Here at Freedom In A Budget, I am all about saving money! Here are some of the EASY ways that I save money:

• CIT Bank offers high interest savings accounts and CDs to provide a safe, secure way to earn money grow your savings.

• Rakuten/Ebates: Rakuten is my to go way to earn Cash Back from over 2,500 stores like Macy’s, Amazon, Sephora, Walmart and much more. Join Rakuten today for free, and you’ll get a $10 Cash Bonus to get you started! Every three months, you’ll get a Big Fat Check in the mail or a PayPal payment just for shopping. 

• M1 Finance is an easy to use brokerage platform that allows you to invest in Fractional Shares and auto reinvest!

• Budget Templates: Excel budget templates with pre-populated categories and formulas to keep you on track with hitting your financial goals.

Automate Your Savings

One of the best ways to save money without feeling deprived is to automate your savings. Automating your savings means setting up a system where a portion of your income is automatically transferred to a savings account each month.

By doing this, you won’t have to rely on willpower or remember to transfer the money manually each month.

I recommend keeping your savings in a high-yield savings account to earn the maximum interest!

Here are some benefits of automating your savings

Consistency: When you automate your savings, you’re consistently saving money each month. This can help you make progress towards your financial goals faster than if you were saving sporadically.

Habit-building: Automating your savings can also help you build a savings habit. Once you’ve set up the automatic transfer, you’ll get used to seeing your savings grow each month. This can motivate you to save more and build your savings over time.

Discipline: Automating your savings can also help you build discipline around your spending. If you know that a portion of your income is automatically going towards savings each month, you’ll be less likely to overspend or make impulsive purchases.

Here are some tips for automating your savings

Set up direct deposit: If your employer offers direct deposit, you can have a portion of your paycheck automatically transferred to a savings account each month.

This is a simple and convenient way to automate your savings.

Use automatic transfers: If you don’t have direct deposit, you can set up automatic transfers from your checking account to your savings account each month. Many banks offer this service for free.

Choose a specific amount: When you automate your savings, it’s important to choose a specific amount that you’ll save each month. This could be a percentage of your income or a fixed dollar amount.

Increase your savings over time: Once you’ve established the habit of saving, consider increasing the amount you save each month.

Even small increases can add up over time and help you reach your financial goals faster.

By automating your savings, you can make saving money a habit and reach your financial goals faster without feeling deprived. Start by setting up automatic transfers or direct deposit, choose a specific amount to save each month, and consider increasing your savings over time. With these simple steps, you can set yourself up for financial success and achieve your goals.

Embrace Minimalism

Embracing minimalism is another great way to save money without feeling deprived. Minimalism is a lifestyle that focuses on living with less and simplifying your possessions and lifestyle.

Here are some benefits of embracing minimalism:

  1. Reduced expenses: By simplifying your possessions and lifestyle, you’ll likely spend less money on things you don’t need. This can free up money to use towards your financial goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house, paying off debt, or investing.
  2. Increased focus: Minimalism can also help you focus on what’s truly important in your life. By letting go of things that don’t bring value or joy, you can focus on the things that matter most to you.
  3. Less stress: Living with less can also reduce stress and anxiety. When you have fewer possessions and obligations, you’ll likely have more time and energy to focus on the things that make you happy.

Here are some tips for embracing minimalism:

  1. Declutter your possessions: Start by decluttering your possessions and getting rid of things you no longer need or use. This can include clothes, books, electronics, and other items that are taking up space in your home.
  2. Prioritize experiences over things: Instead of spending money on material possessions, prioritize experiences that bring you joy. This could include travel, hobbies, or spending time with loved ones.
  3. Buy only what you need: When you do make purchases, focus on buying only what you need. Consider the long-term value of the item and how it will improve your life.
  4. Simplify your home: Simplify your home by adopting a minimalist design aesthetic. This can include using neutral colors, simplifying your decor, and focusing on functional pieces that serve a purpose.

By embracing minimalism, you can save money and focus on the things that truly matter in your life. Start by decluttering your possessions, prioritizing experiences over things, buying only what you need, and simplifying your home. By making these simple changes, you can enjoy the benefits of minimalism and improve your financial situation without feeling deprived.

Celebrate Small Wins

Saving money and sticking to a budget can be challenging, and it’s easy to get discouraged if you don’t see immediate progress. However, it’s important to celebrate small wins along the way to keep yourself motivated and on track.

Here are some benefits of celebrating small wins:

  1. Increased motivation: Celebrating small wins can help you stay motivated to continue working towards your financial goals. Each small win represents progress towards your larger goal, and celebrating them can give you the push you need to keep going.
  2. Improved mood: Celebrating small wins can also improve your mood and make you feel more positive about your financial situation. It can be easy to get caught up in the stress and worry of managing your finances, but celebrating small wins can help you focus on the positive.
  3. Reinforcement of good habits: Celebrating small wins can reinforce the good habits that you’re building. When you recognize and celebrate your progress, you’re more likely to continue making smart financial choices in the future.

Here are some tips for celebrating small wins:

  1. Set achievable milestones: Break your larger financial goal into smaller, achievable milestones. This could be saving a certain amount of money, paying off a credit card, or sticking to your budget for a certain period of time.
  2. Recognize your progress: When you reach a milestone, take the time to recognize your progress and celebrate your accomplishment. This could include treating yourself to a small reward or sharing your progress with a supportive friend or family member.
  3. Keep track of your wins: Keep track of your small wins in a journal or on a chart. This can help you see your progress over time and serve as a reminder of what you’ve accomplished.

By celebrating small wins, you can stay motivated, improve your mood, and reinforce good financial habits. Set achievable milestones, recognize your progress, and keep track of your wins to stay on track and feel good about your financial journey.

More Resources to Help You Achieve Your Financial Goals

Saving money doesn’t have to be a daunting task that requires you to give up the things you love. By adopting a minimalist mindset, identifying your spending triggers, finding less expensive alternatives, setting realistic goals, automating your savings, creating a budget, and finding ways to make extra money, you can save money and achieve your financial goals without feeling deprived.

Remember, it’s a journey, not a destination. By taking small steps every day, you can build a solid foundation for your financial future.

If you found this article helpful, you might also be interested in our article on budgeting with an irregular income.

Check out “8 Tips For Budgeting with an Irregular Income” to learn how to manage your finances when your income fluctuates.

Don’t forget to open maximize your savings with a high-yield savings account with CIT Bank!

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