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Category: Money Motivation

what I wish I knew when I started

About 7 years ago, I was sitting on my couch, bundled up in a blanket, my cat Piper trying to share my lap with my laptop… and tears running down my face.
Was I watching another Nicholas Sparks chick flick (Jayme has ban me from watching them because they make me cry to the point of getting a headache)? I wish, instead I was looking at my budget and I saw I was -$374.87 … again.

Top 5 Cash-Back Apps To Save Money This Year

Are you looking for ways to earn some extra money and save more money? Look no further than cash back apps!

Cash back apps are a fantastic way to make more money and save even more. With the help of these amazing apps, you can get cash back on your purchases at your favorite stores, restaurants and online shops.

Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Ideas

Operation Christmas Child, a project of Samaritan’s Purse, brings good news and great joy to children around the world. And the work doesn’t stop there. Through The Greatest Journey, our discipleship program for those who receive shoeboxes, whole communities are being transformed by the Gospel.

What To Budget For In November
Money Motivation

What To Budget For In November


The smell of pumpkin spice and apple cider is finally here! Here are 8 things to add to your November budget! 

Remember, budgets are NOT constricting but instead give you FREEDOM to be in control of your money, rather than your money in CONTROL OF YOU!

50 Frugal Living Tips With A Big Impact

Are you looking for some easy ways to save money? Saving money doesn’t mean sitting at the kitchen counter for hours cutting coupons. 

Today I’m sharing 50 frugal living tips that make a big impact, they range from frugal tips from the great depression, to frugal beauty tips, to ways to save money on groceries, to ways to be extremely frugal.