Want to start your own side hustle from home… but don't know where to start?
Download The Discover Your Own Online Side Hustle Workbook!
Here's a sneak peek at what's inside: 
✅ Step-by-step guide to uncovering the perfect side hustle that aligns with your skills, interests, and goals.
✅ Learn how to turn your unique skills and passions into a profitable online side hustle.
✅ Practical tips, strategies, and real-life examples to kickstart your side hustle journey with confidence.
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Category: Money Motivation


Finding out you are pregnant is so exciting… but also scary… and hard! I had an extremely difficult first trimester but thankfully I found some items that really helped to make it a little easier. I’m sharing my first trimester pregnancy essentials and must haves!

how to save money

If we are honest, it can be hard to save up every month. Many people live for their paydays and often spend every last penny out of their account. But, we all want to have a little extra money put to one side for those little luxuries. Things like holidays, weekends away, or just those gorgeous pair of shoes you’ve been lusting after for weeks. However, it’s easier to boost your income than you think. With that in mind here are some of the ways you can start saving each month. You will have a pot of gold saved in no time at all.

Don’t Forget These In Your July Budget

Don’t let the summer fun and distractions blow your July Budget! Here are seven things to add to your July budget!
Remember, budgets are NOT constricting but instead give you FREEDOM to be in control of your money, rather than your money in CONTROL OF YOU!

5 Easy Habits that Make Me More Productive

Productivity is important because it makes you get more done in a short time. It helps you to have some time you can spend on the things you love to do just like listening to the music.

For anyone who wants to be more productive, I’m going to share 5 super important tips that can help you to be more efficient with your tasks and targets.

I’m so excited about sharing these because I’m continuously trying to be more productive and make myself more efficient.


Let’s kick the summer off right and hit some goals with the tools below!
Whether you are wanting to start your own online business, start a budget, pay off debt, or save money on groceries… there is something for everyone!