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Category: Money Motivation


Have you wanted to do a successful no-spend month to save money but have always failed or don’t even know how to do one? Today, I’m breaking down all the rules of a no-spend month as well as my top tips to make your no-spend month successful!

15 Money Saving Challenges to Try In 2022

If you are looking for some motivation to save money, this is is the most complete guide with 15 savings challenges for the year! Saving money isn’t always the most exciting thing, one of the best ways to stay motivated to save is savings challenges! I am a very competitive person and if I can make a game out of saving money, it makes me work that much harder.

Today I’m sharing the ultimate list of savings challenges that will keep you pushing for more resulting in great returns!


Saving money isn’t always the most exciting thing, one of the best ways to stay motivated to save is savings challenges! I am a very competitive person and if I can make a game out of saving money, it makes me work that much harder.

Today I’m sharing the ultimate list of savings challenges that will keep you pushing for more resulting in great returns!


Millennials are a generation focused on career goals, financial stability, and personal success. They are passionate and dedicated to protecting their finances and securing their future in whatever way they can.
While technology has allowed millennials – and practically everyone – to take advantage of online resources for financial management, too many apps and platforms can confuse them. One can invest in cryptocurrency while also taking risks in virtual trading platforms, which can be chaotic if one is not familiar with wealth management.


Money becomes one of the most important parts of your life as a couple. And this is also a factor that can cause stress in a relationship. While you focus on the affectionate part of your love life, you may also need to know the Practical Ways To Manage Money As A Couple.

5 EASY Savings Challenges That Will Help You Save THOUSANDS

Saving money isn’t always the most exciting thing, one of the best ways to stay motivated to save is savings challenges! I am a very competitive person and if I can make a game out of saving money, it makes me work that much harder.

Today I’m sharing the ultimate list of savings challenges that will keep you pushing for more resulting in great returns!


It’s not how much you make that will make you wealthy, but how you manage your finances.
Good financial planning can make the difference between a comfortable life in the future and one plagued with money-related stress.
If your dream is to build wealth and secure your future, you need to start building habits to help you get there.


Finding out you are pregnant is so exciting… but also scary… and hard! I had an extremely difficult first trimester but thankfully I found some items that really helped to make it a little easier. I’m sharing my first trimester pregnancy essentials and must haves!


If you find yourself getting caught up in all of the latest clothing trends, always splurging on the latest technology, or feeling like you’re constantly trying to catch up to the girl next door, chances are that these are spending habits that are making you broke.

how to save money

If we are honest, it can be hard to save up every month. Many people live for their paydays and often spend every last penny out of their account. But, we all want to have a little extra money put to one side for those little luxuries. Things like holidays, weekends away, or just those gorgeous pair of shoes you’ve been lusting after for weeks. However, it’s easier to boost your income than you think. With that in mind here are some of the ways you can start saving each month. You will have a pot of gold saved in no time at all.