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Category: Dumping Debt


Let’s be honest, paying off debt is not fun. It can take several years of a very strict budget which to a lot


Getting paid biweekly can give you one of the biggest life hacks EVER! I’ve had several jobs over my life, they have all


Hi Friends! This is my 3rd month doing my side hustle updates and it was my 3rd month in a row making over $1,000


2018 was a really exciting year for my husband, Jayme and I. Not only did we cash flow buying my dream car we


Hi Friends! This is my 3rd month doing my side hustle updates and it was my best month yet. November was a very


As a newlywed one of the questions that we are surprisingly asked a lot is if we merged finances and when. Was it


When people ask me how to cut their grocery budget, the very first tip I give them is to start shopping at Aldi!


When moving into an apartment there are a lot of unexpected expenses when moving into an apartment. It is important that you know


Simple ways to save money on your utilities bill! Electric bills can double in cost from one month to the other depending on


  When I decided to start my debt-free journey the first thing I really jumped in and researched was Sinking Funds! Sinking Funds