Managing personal finances can feel like solving a puzzle, especially when you’re unsure whether the issue lies with spending habits or insufficient income. This common question deserves a deep dive, as identifying the root cause is essential for achieving financial freedom. Let’s explore the signs of each problem and discuss strategies to regain control of your money.
Living on a budget is living on a predetermined set of money or set income you have. The budget you create acts as a framework or guideline to determine how much you can spend, what you can afford, and how much money you have available in order to pay for food, rent, drinks, or any other necessities you may have.
This week a third round stimulus checks are being sent out. You will qualify if you make under $75,000 for individuals, below a certain threshold — $75,000 for individuals, $112,500 for heads of household, $150,000 for couples filing jointly, and an additional $1,400 for each dependent claimed on their most recent tax filings.
As we approach 2021, many families have been put in poor positions regarding their finances.
With hundreds of thousands currently unemployed and many small businesses on the brink of closure, many individuals are facing a cash crunch to keep their bills paid.
Dave Ramsey is one of the most popular financial guru’s. He has helped millions of people become debt-free, has a die-hard audience but also a lot of haters.
Saving money isn’t always the most exciting thing, one of the best ways to stay motivated to save is savings challenges! I am a very competitive person and if I can make a game out of saving money, it makes me work that much harder.
Managing and getting the most out of your money is so important. Today I’m sharing the top 5 apps for managing your money in 2020!
Are you wanting a new weekly meal plan? Or maybe it’s your first time ever using a meal plan? Either way, you are in luck! I’ve created a FREE 7-day meal plan!
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with what to make for dinner? You are making the same meals over and over again. Your kids are sick of them, you are sick of them. You just don’t have time to plan anything and don’t have the energy to even think about it.