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Tag: similac

The Best Baby Essentials You Can Buy on Amazon for 0-12 Months

As a new parent, there are a lot of expenses that you expect when you have a baby, such as a car seat, diapers, wipes, toys, and baby clothes.
But what are the good ones, what are the best toys for your baby at 6 months old or 9 months old? 

I’ve got you covered! Here are the best baby essentials you can buy on Amazon for the first 12 months.


As a new parent there are a lot of expenses that you expect when you have a baby, such as a car seat, diapers, wipes, and baby clothes. But there are a TON of unexpected baby expenses that are different with every child. Today I’m sharing my top 10 unexpected baby expenses as a new mom.


Times are scary right now for parents that have babies that need formula to survive. There is a lot of false information going around and some of it is extremely dangerous for babies.