Saving money isn’t always the most exciting thing, one of the best ways to stay motivated to save is savings challenges! I am a very competitive person and if I can make a game out of saving money, it makes me work that much harder.
Did you know that groceries and food is on average the first highest line item in a person’s budget? Here are some of my favorite kitchen products that save me money, reduce food waste, and help the environment!
Managing and getting the most out of your money is so important. Today I’m sharing the top 5 apps for managing your money in 2020!
We are already halfway through 2020. Part of me feels like this is the longest year ever and the other part feels like we just went into quarantine 2 weeks ago.
Each month I publish a YouTube and blog Income Report showing you how much money I made in my business as well as some lessons learned that contributed to that success and outcome.
Are you wanting a new weekly meal plan? Or maybe it’s your first time ever using a meal plan? Either way, you are in luck! I’ve created a FREE 7-day meal plan!
Do you ever feel overwhelmed with what to make for dinner? You are making the same meals over and over again. Your kids are sick of them, you are sick of them. You just don’t have time to plan anything and don’t have the energy to even think about it.