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Money Motivation

Christmas Giveaway!

The other night, Jayme and I were sharing all the things we’re grateful for. We’ve had a lot of big changes, monumental moments in our lives the last few years. A lot of these amazing changes are because of this supportive community, you have all blessed me in more ways than you will ever know. I am so happy that we are able to use this platform for good!

The Holiday season is one of the best and happiest times of the year, but that isn’t the case for some families.
For some it’s it can be one of the hardest of times.
When I was 16 I lost my mother, very vividly I can remember our Christmas after she passed and the lack of holiday spirit myself and family had, It just wasn’t the same. I know from personal experience that support from a community can have major positive impact on lives. With that, I would like to give back and hopefully lift the spirits of other families that are going through hard times. Not everyone has the luxury of celebrating the holidays so we decided to pour into a family in need and bless them with Christmas gifts!

Want Participate in our Secret Santa Project?


If you know someone that could use a little boost this Christmas, let us know! We know many of you are aching to help others at this time of year and we feel blessed to be able to connect with you and the families you love in this way.

  • Nominate someone who might just need some help getting on their feet, getting ahead, or starting out this year. Basically, anyone who needs some serious sparkle and magic this Christmas!
  • Nominate someone by filling out the form below.
  • Nominate as many people as you’d like, but submit one form per family; don’t nominate more than one family on the same form!
  • You have until 11:59pm EST December 10th to submit nominations, chosen families will be notified by Dec 13.
  • If your nomination is chosen I will reach out to you to obtain the families address, number of children and ages.
  • If you haven’t heard from us by Dec 15, I’m sorry to say that your nominee wasn’t chosen.

Christmas Giveaway 2019

*Please note that no information about the nominee will be shared publicly without the nominee’s permission. In nominating a family, you also agree to assist freedominabudget.com in notifying the chosen family as needed.
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