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Category: Dumping Debt

Ways To Improve Your Finances

When most people think about improving their finances they think BIG ticket items like saving for retirement, investing, paying cash for a car… things that will take years to accomplish. All of those are very important and great goals, there are also a lot of small ways that add up BIG to help you hit your finances faster. Today I’m sharing 5 things that you can do to improve your finances, 5 things that you can check off your to do list in 1 hour!


Ahhh, the age old question: Should you pay off debt or invest first? This is an often debated topic in the personal finance community and today, I’m going to unpack what I think you should consider when asking yourself this very question. Here are 6 things to check before you consider investing over paying off debt


If you’ve been around the debt free community for any amount of time, especially in 2020, you’ve likely heard these terms being thrown


My husband and I are in the pursuit of FI/RE. For those of you who don’t know what FI/RE is, the acronym stands


There is a lot going on in the world right now. The stock market is a mess, people are losing their jobs and


Frugality is a learned behavior. You either inherit your financial habits from your immediate family or you’ve gone through some type of monetary


I’m debt free! I’m done! No more budgeting for me!  Think again, my friend. This Financial Independence ‘thing’ doesn’t stop when you cross


Paying off debt can be overwhelming. As someone who has stared down the barrel of over $20,000 worth of debt, I have felt


February is finally here. I saw so many memes going around instagram and facebook that it was January 74th and man so true!


The new year and new decade – is a chance for us to refresh our financial lives. Whether 2019 was a good or bad year for you, now is the time to start this year off on the right foot. Here are 8 ways you can improve your finances in 2020.