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The Best Baby Essentials You Can Buy on Amazon for 0-12 Months
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The Best Baby Essentials You Can Buy on Amazon for 0-12 Months

As a new parent, there are a lot of expenses that you expect when you have a baby, such as a car seat, diapers, wipes, toys, and baby clothes.

But what are the good ones, what are the best toys for your baby at 6 months old or 9 months old? 

I’ve got you covered! Here are the best baby essentials you can buy on Amazon for the first 12 months. Check out the full list here!

There are also a lot of unexpected baby expenses… check those out here!

All of the items mentioned will be from the wonderfully convenient Amazon. 

If you don’t have Amazon Prime, try it FREE for 30 days

Check out ALL the items mentioned here!

0-3 Months

  • Swaddles: Blanket swaddles are great but are so easy for babies to break out of. I loooove the velcro swaddles that are so easy to put on and instantly calm my fussy baby. 

Mom tip: If your baby is a Houdini and gets their arm out of the swaddle, try using a long-sleeved onesie underneath.

This play piano is honestly the VIP of all baby toys and is able to provide hours of entertainment throughout the first year. 

For the first month I laid my baby next to the piano so when she looked to one side she saw the lights of the piano and when she looked to the other side she could play with the dangling toys. 

Then she transitioned to her back under the arch where she would kick the piano. 

Then it became the VIP for making tummy time fun by placing her on her stomach to have the lights and singing distract her. 

Then you can turn the piano around for the sitting position or remove the piano all together!

  • Hospital blankets (but better quality): These hospital blankets can be used for SO many things. 

I used them for burp clothes, rolled them up as bumpers for the swing, and blankets to keep my daughter warm. 

I bought the 12 pack because I go through 1-2 a day!

  • Dock-a-tot: I know the dock-a-tot gets a lot of mixed reviews because it’s not rated for safe sleep. 

But trust me, the dock-a-tot is useful for SO much more than just sleep. 

It’s a life saver for having a safe place to put your baby while you’re hanging out on the couch, or even when you are struggling to get on and off the couch those first few days. 

My daughter used her Dock-a-tot from the day we brought her home from the hospital until she was 5 months old.

They also have other affortable options!

These crinkle mats grow their eye development but also entertain with the crinkle sound and texture, they also have great teethers to use in the future!

Additional Resources:

3-6 Months

This baby toy has so many great developmental elements to it! 

From a mirror, to teething rings, to crinkle ears, to a bell! If I want to get my babies attention or smile for a picture, all I have to do is shake this elephant!

This toy ball is very lightweight and has the perfect holes for easy grip for babies!

Make tummy time fun with this inflatable water mat. Your baby will be so distracted they will forget they hate tummy time!

This is the knockoff of the Sofie Giraffe teether that is double the price!

Save to Pinterest!

6-9 Months

Full set of baby spoons plus silicone feeders so babies can start feeding themselves, perfect for baby-led weaning!

Splish spash! Hours of fun in the sun without the worry of sun exposure! 

Baby can float and kick on either their back or tummy!

This is by far one of the best gifts we received on our registry! 

Once your baby starts to roll and scoot around, it’s so hard to keep them contained. 

You can throw all of their toys inside and let them play without any stress while you go to the bathroom or do the dishes. 

I also love that you can keep all of their toys contained and not have them all over your house!

With the playpen you will need TWO foam mats for the bottom because it is just tent material. 

I have the two foam mats laid across as well as a quilt over it. 

More ways to save!

  • Lovevery Playkits: Designed by experts for your child’s developing brain.
  • Taking Cara Babies Sleep Course: This course helped my baby start sleeping through the night at just 5 weeks old.. without crying it out!
  • CIT Bank: BEST High-yield savings account; your bank shouldn’t be charging you money. Instead, YOU should be making money off your money!
  • Ladder: Get a quick, free quote on term life insurance, affordable, online term life insurance. No exam! No waiting! No hassles!
  • GetUpside: Earn 20 cents per gallon on gas cash back when you download the app and use code FIAB20.
  • Fetch Rewards is a free grocery savings app that rewards you just for snapping pictures of your receipts. That’s it. Really. Free gift cards on groceries on thousands of products every day, no matter where you get your groceries. Just scan your receipts and get gift cards from retailers like Amazon, Target, Ulta, Applebees. Use code QHKBH to earn 2,000 points ($2)!
  • Rakuten: Get cash back on online purchases and automatic coupons and savings with their browser plugin… and remember, you have to make a $20 purchase to get your $20 for free!
  • Blooom: FREE 401(k) or IRA analyzer, Let the experts take a peek at your retirement account. Get real advice on how it’s doing and how it could be performing better.
  • Lively: A modern health savings account. Prepare for tomorrow by making smart decisions about finances and healthcare today. Lively HSAs are free for individuals and families, so you never have to worry about hidden costs.
  • Build Wealth by Investing in Index Funds Course: I’ve teamed up with my friend Jeremy from Personal Finance Club to teach you everything you need to know to invest in index funds! How to open an account, how much to invest, and how to choose an index fund. You’ll gain the knowledge and confidence to optimally invest and build wealth for decades.

9-12 Months

Great Montessori style toy to teach cause and effect as they pull the “tissues” out. 

Smiles and excitement every time!

Keeping an Apple AirTag in your baby’s diaper bag in case the worst happens. 

You can also have them wear their AirTag as a bracelet or anklet as they get older and on the move in public places.

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