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How to Save Money and Become More Sustainable

This is a guest post by Financial Wolves, a blog about making money with side hustles to help you achieve financial freedom.

It’s never too late to think about how our actions are affecting the planet and what we can do to improve our environment. We are running out of everything, nature is destructive, global warming is disastrous, and pollution is continuously increasing.

What should be done in this case?

You have probably heard people saying, ”How much difference does it make if a single individual becomes sustainable?” The truth is a drop of water makes an ocean. Every measure taken towards the betterment of the planet will count. I generally like to focus on ways to make money, but changing your habits to more sustainable methods will only naturally save you more money in the long run.

There is a misconception that “going green” can cost you a lot, which is wrong. Going green doesn’t always mean to buy expensive products; instead, it focuses on reusing the products. You can help save the environment drastically by going sustainable while saving money for yourself.

How to Save Money and Become More Sustainable

Many different ways will help you to become more sustainable. You just have to shop smartly. We have compiled some hacks for you, which will help you save the environment and money at the same time.

Take a Start from Coffee

If you are clueless like many others, take a start from your daily ritual. We all love to take freshly brewed coffee in the morning. There are two ways that can help you save money and the environment by just coffee.

Instead of going to a cafe to take away a cup of coffee, you can make it at home. You need to buy a few things at first, which will cost you a few bucks, but that’s the only investment you are expected to make. If you add up the total cost, you will be able to save a decent amount of money by the end of the month.

Every cup of coffee comes in a paper cup, which ultimately ends up in the trash. It is better to ask the server to serve you coffee in a ceramic mug if you are not in a rush. Many cafes have cups in which they serve upon asking. If you have no time to sit down and enjoy your coffee, you can take a reusable cup with you.

Say No to Plastic Bags

Plastic is the main culprit behind the destruction of our earth. It can not be recycled; hence, it stays on earth for millions of years. It is better to limit the use of plastic to save the environment.

Imagine how many shopping bags are thrown out after every grocery shopping? A lot more than you think. Let’s bring this small change in our daily lives, which can ultimately save our planet from plastic and money, of course.

You should use a reusable bag instead of a plastic shopping bag. Always remember to take your reusable bags with you when you go out for groceries.

Reusable Water Bottles

Water bottle-again made of plastic. Every day millions of Americans buy water in plastic bottles, and these bottles went into the trash. You can add your share by purchasing a reusable water bottle and take it with you every time you went to buy water.

Many people in the US prefer bottled water over tap water when the reality is that many companies use the same tap water in the bottles. Instead of buying bottled water, you can use tap water as well. It will not make much difference but save you a lot of money.

Change Your Toothbrush

It’s high time you realize the toothbrush you have been using since decades needs to change. Our toothbrushes are made of plastic, which ends up in the trash. Imagine how many toothbrushes are on the Earth!

You can use a bamboo toothbrush instead of a traditional plastic toothbrush. It will do the same job but save the environment from getting more polluted.

Ditch Your Car

Are you like those people who go to the nearest grocery store in a car? If yes, you need to stop right away. Having your vehicle is convenient, but it comes with a lot of costs. You have to pay for petroleum, car insurance, maintenance and so much more. Also, the gases it produces are harmful to the environment too.

Instead of going through a car, you can walk to the nearest places. It will also help you stay fit. Bonus points! You can either carpool or use public transportation for distant places. It will not cost you much and won’t add your fair share of smoke.

Buy a Bicycle

The most environmentally-friendly vehicle is a bicycle. There are a lot of benefits to having a bike instead of a car. If you don’t like walking to the grocery store, take out your bike and reach there within minutes.

You can still keep your vehicle for faraway places, but a bicycle won’t cost much.

The most important factor about having a bicycle is it produces no harmful gases. Plus, there are no insurance, petroleum, and maintenance charges. Hence, it’s a must-have if you are serious about saving money and the Earth. A nice bonus is that nowadays there are plenty of ways you can also make money with your bike.

Save Water

There is a severe issue of water not readily available in some countries. The freshwater is becoming scarce day-by-day. However, you should always save water as it will eventually save your money.

There are several ways you can save water from getting wasted. Turning off the tap while washing your face or brushing your teeth is a must. What’s the point of keeping the water running when you don’t need it?

We all love to take long showers and seem to enjoy them. These long showers waste tons of water. Hence, you should try to finish taking a bath as soon as possible.

Washing clothes are a mandatory home chore. Do you know you can save water while washing clothes? Instead of washing two pairs of jeans or shirts, just wait till you have a pile of dirty clothes and clean them at once. In this way, less water will be wasted, and electricity will be saved as well.

Doing dishes is also a daunting task. Again, don’t turn on your dishwasher until it’s full. Running a half-empty dishwasher will be a waste of both water and energy.

Turn Off the Electronics

You undoubtedly know a lot of people who never take out the plugs of the electronics when they aren’t even using them. Keeping the electronics plugin consume energy, a lot of it.

Therefore, to save energy and your money, always make sure to unplug the gadgets. These small habits make a huge difference.

Shop Smartly

Whenever you go out to buy something, make it a habit to check that particular thing at your home first. Be it food or home decor; chances are you will find it in your home.

It’s a more natural way to help the environment by not buying a new product and adding more to the junk. Also, you will save money as well.

Grow Your Food

No! I am not kidding. If you have a yard or a small garden in front of your house, you can grow vegetables and fruits there. Some food items are easier to grow and don’t require many skills. It’s better to find such food items and grow yourself.

The benefit of growing your own food is not only it saves you a lot of money but it’s eco-friendly as well. Moreover, the food will be nutritious and free of chemicals. You should consider doing this, it’s a lot of fun.

Eat More Vegetables

I can understand how tough it’s to leave meat when you are a non-vegetarian. Little did you know is meat consumption harms the environment. The factory-farming produces a lot of pollution due to the overuse of antibiotics.

If you consume little or no meat, there will be a lesser demand, which will eventually produce less pollution. Also, any kind of meat will cost you double times the cost of vegetables. There are many benefits to eating vegetables as well, so you should include more vegetables in your meals.

Use Cloth Towels

The use of paper towels is standard and pretty much in our lives. Millions of paper towels are disposed of into the trash, and they are not recyclable at all. In some cases, we can’t replace it with any other product.

However, there is a cheaper alternative available. Instead of cleaning your dirty counter tops and wet dishes with a paper towel, you can use a cloth towel.

A cloth towel is reusable, and it will save you money, which you may spend on buying paper towels. You can keep a cloth towel for every task and clean them once a week. These are not only convenient but easy to wash as well.

Use Solar Lights

The light bulbs we have been using in our homes consume a lot of energy. It is better to replace your old light bulbs with energy-efficient bulbs. These bulbs will save you the right amount of energy and money.

The energy we get from a natural resource, i.e., the sun becomes wasted. There are solar lights available in the market which can be easily recharged using sunlight. The lights might cost you more, but you will notice a massive difference in the consumption of electricity as they are not charged with electricity.

Bottom Line

We have summed up a few ways to become sustainable while saving money. There are countless of them, just observe in your surroundings what needs to change. The rule is simple; the less you consume, the more money you save.

Going green doesn’t always mean to spend more money. For the time being, it might look like this, but you save in the long term. Start from small changes and then gradually increase, you will keep the money and the environment.

Author Bio: Financial Wolves is a blog focused on helping you make more money to achieve financial freedom. After repaying student loans, I’ve shifted my focus to make more money from side hustles, real estate, freelancing and the online economy. Follow us on Pinterest, YouTube, Twitter and Facebook.

Ways I save money:

Here at Freedom In A Budget, I am all about saving money! Here are some of the EASY ways that I save money:

• Billshark negotiates lower prices on your monthly bills to save you time, money and hassle.

• Fetch Rewards is a free grocery savings app that rewards you just for snapping pictures of your receipts. That’s it. Really. Free gift cards on groceries on thousands of products every day, no matter where you get your groceries. 

Just scan your receipts and get gift cards from retailers like Amazon, Target, Ulta, Applebees. Use code QHKBH to earn 2,000 points ($2)!

• Credit Sesame offers Credit Score and Monitoring, Savings Recommendations and Identity Theft Protection. ALL FOR FREE.

• CIT Bank offers high interest savings accounts and CDs to provide a safe, secure way to GROW your savings.

• Gabi is a full-service, online advisor who compares all your insurance options to find you the right policy, all in under two minutes.

• M1 Finance is an easy to use brokerage platform that allows you to invest in Fractional Shares and auto reinvest!

• Webull Get 2 Free Stocks on WeBull when you deposit $100 (Valued up to $1400).

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