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what I wish I knew when I started
Mindset & Productivity Money Motivation Side Hustle

What I wish I knew when I started…

About 7 years ago, I was sitting on my couch, bundled up in a blanket, my cat Piper trying to share my lap with my laptop… and tears running down my face.

Was I watching another Nicholas Sparks chick flick (Jayme has ban me from watching them because they make me cry to the point of getting a headache)? I wish, instead I was looking at my budget and I saw I was -$374.87 … again.

Month after month, I was in the red, I tried cutting every penny I could, I spent less than $100 a month on groceries, I only drove to work and church to save money on gas.

This is when I knew I needed a change.

Right there, on the couch, I made a decision that I would stop focusing on cutting every penny, and focus on making more money.

It started out simple, putting the word out around my church that I was available to babysit, started mystery shopping, and asking for overtime at work.

Then I decided to start a YouTube channel and really learn all the different income streams I could create around it.

It was a whole different world to me (yes there were tears at times because I just felt dumb) but over the years I’ve been able to:
✅ Quit my job
✅ Make as much as $8,000 a month
✅ Most of all, help others reach their goals.

I know how scary it is to want to make more money and create new income streams… but not know how.

I’ve been there.

I’ve done that.

I want to help you.

… and help you do it faster and better than I did!

To kick off the new year, I’ve got TWO big events for you to help you start your own online business (don’t worry, nothing scammy like an MLM)!

First, starting on January 1st, I’ll send you an email with a business, mindset, or entrepreneur tip every morning for 31 days to help you start (or grow) your online business

Second, on Tuesday, January 3rd, I’m hosting a free LIVE Masterclass on how to start an online business in 90 days.

Here are the details:

  • The LIVE training will be this Tuesday, Janauary 3rd, 8:30pm EST
  • Yes, there will be a replay
  • But it will only be up for 48 hours

I cannot wait to share this with you!!

I hope to see you there, feel free to share with a friend who may want to join as well!

🎉 Best news is, you can sign up for BOTH! 👇🏻

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