Money-Saving Tips For Survival During Covid
Thank you for attending my session!
I’m Kelly Anne Smith from Freedom In A Budget. I help people of all ages to achieve financial freedom within their budget and become intentional with their money.
• Have you thought about your food habits and physically grimaced?
• Have you found yourself throwing away vegetable after vegetable, month after month?
• Are you tired of never having a plan and watching your food budget balloon out of control?
I know those frustrations well. I have felt the pure, unadulterated annoyance that food can bring. It’s never fun feeling like you’re floundering and wondering what the heck to do to ‘fix it’.
That’s why I created this course. How To Save Money on Groceries has been 2 years in the making. 2 years of crafting a step-by-step guide on how to…save money on groceries.
This course will help you maintain a healthy lifestyle, stop food waste, and give you tips and tricks to harness your best grocery life. You’ll save money, learn how to spend wisely, and most importantly, you’ll learn how to lower your food cost so you can spend on the things that bring you joy!
Click here to register for the How To Save Money on Groceries Course and use code GROCERIES15 for $15 off!
Get Your 7-Day Meal Plan Here!
Helpful Resources:
• How To Set Up An Emergency Budget
• 9 Ways To Save Money On Your Electric Bill
• Book a coaching session with me
• How To Deal with a Pay Cut or Layoff
• BillShark negotiates lower prices on your monthly bills
• Gabi is a full-service, online advisor who compares all your insurance
• Cut the cord and switch to Hulu
• FREE Monthly Budget Excel Template – Use code ORLANDO (valid through 7/31/20)
Let’s connect!
• Book a coaching session with me