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Weight Loss

Zero Point Day On WW Freestyle

It IS possible to have a fully satisfying zero point day on Weight Watchers Freestyle! Watch to see what I ate on this zero point day challenge, and tune in to the other channels listed below for more ideas! I get asked lots of questions of how I lose weight on a budget!

Budgeting and losing weight are two of my passions, I’ve tried so many different diets and weight watchers is the first one that has worked for me. Weight Watchers isn’t a diet, but a lifestyle change. I truly believe that ANYONE can make Weight Watchers work for them, whether its Simply Filling or counting Smart Points.

When I first started Weight Watchers it was hard for me to “budget my points” I was good through lunch and then had 3 points left for snacks and dinner and would be miserable. After a couple weeks on the program, I got the hang of having snacks and meals with smaller points that keep you full. Between my what I ate in a day and grocery haul videos, I have helped so many people come up with meal plans and realistic strategies to become successful on your weight loss journey!

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