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How to set goals with the 12 week year
Mindset & Productivity Side Hustle

How to Set GOALS for 2023 | The 12 Week Year [FREE Printable]

Setting goals is important because it helps you clarify your ideas, focus your efforts, use your time and resources effectively, and increase your chances of achieving what you want in life.

Simply setting the goal will have a subconscious impact on your mind and start you off on the right path. 

Unfortunately, goal setting alone is not enough. That’s when The 12 Week Year comes in where you set to accomplish a year’s worth of goals in just 12 weeks. 

I used to set SMART goals, but I realized I wasn’t achieving them.

I realized its because I had all year… and I subconsciously told myself i still had time.

The book 12 Week Year truly changed my life and the way I set goals. 

Click here to read/listen to the book for FREE through Audible

Click here to buy on Amazon.

Here are some specific benefits of setting goals:

Goals give you direction

By setting specific, achievable goals, you can chart a course for your life and work towards it. This can help you stay motivated and avoid becoming sidetracked or disillusioned.

Goals help you prioritize

When you have a clear set of goals, you can prioritize your time and resources to focus on the most important tasks. This can help you make the most of your limited time and resources, and avoid wasting energy on things that are not aligned with your goals.

Goals keep you motivated

Working towards a goal can be a source of motivation and drive. As you make progress and get closer to achieving your goals, you may feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that can keep you going.

Goals help you measure progress

By setting clear goals, you can track your progress and see how far you have come. This can help you stay motivated and adjust your course if needed.

Goals can improve your decision-making

When you have a clear set of goals, it can be easier to make decisions because you have a framework for evaluating the potential consequences of your actions.

Setting goals is an important step in the planning and goal-achievement process. It helps you clarify your priorities, stay motivated, and make progress towards what you want to achieve.

This useful printable to track your goals!
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  • Stephanie James
    Stephanie James

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