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Index Funds for Beginners

Investing in index funds is a great way to generate passive income, especially if you are a beginner. There’s an old saying you’ll often come across, “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”. That means if you invest all your money in one stock, you will significantly increase your investment risk.

That’s where index funds help you. Index funds allow you to invest in multiple stocks without the need to actively manage them. It’s a great way to establish a passive source of income while you focus on other things. The best thing about index funds, perhaps, is that you don’t need to have any technical skills to invest in them.

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What are Index Funds?

Now that you know the advantages of investing in index funds, you should also know what they are. An index fund represents a portfolio of stocks or bonds that follow a similar trend to a financial market index. For example, an index fund may include stocks that mimic or relate to the S&P 500 index in their composition and performance.

How to invest in Index Funds?

The easiest way to invest in index funds is through an online brokerage, especially if you’re going to have a passive approach. For passive investors, the accounts are relatively low-cost or, sometimes, free. If you are looking into active investing, then you may need to pay a few extra bucks. The type and cost of account you will want depends on you and the online brokerage you choose.

After that, you will need to identify an index fund you want in which you want to invest. For example, you can look into Vanguard Index Funds that contains various index funds representing different types of investments. Before identifying an index fund, though, you must pick an index that your index fund should track, for example, S&P 500 or Nasdaq Composite.

From there, you can buy shares for your chosen index fund. As mentioned above, you can either use an online brokerage or other options, such as directly investing with the mutual fund company that offers the fund.

What should you consider before choosing an Index Fund?

Index funds may require an investment minimum, which is the minimum amount you must invest in them. You should also be aware of the brokerage cost associated with your transaction to keep your costs to a minimum. You should also check the expense ratio of an index fund, which is a fee subtracted from your returns as a percentage of your overall investment.

What are some Index Funds you should consider?

The most popular index fund is the Vanguard 500 (VFIAX) Index, which tracks the S&P 500 index. You can also invest in VTSAX, which tracks the index of US stocks of every size. Similarly, you can invest in the international stock market with the VTIAX index, which tracks the index of global stocks, excluding the US.

If you’re not interested in the Vanguard index funds, you also have other options. For example, you can invest in the Schwab 500 or Fidelity 500 index funds, both of which track the S&P 500 index. You may also want to look into the Fidelity ZERO Large Cap Index for a 0% expense ratio.

Final words

Investing can be a hectic process for beginners. By investing in index funds, however, you can make the process much simpler. You don’t need to have any technical skills to get started. Investing in index funds is a great way to establish a decent source of income and investing in various stocks at the same time.

Here are some resources to help you learn the basics of investing before you get started: 

• 5 Things To Do BEFORE You Start INVESTING

• Top 8 Investing Mistakes Every Beginner Should Avoid 

• Should You Pay Off Debt or Invest? 

• 5 Easy Steps to Overcome the Fear of Investing 

• Dividend Investing for Beginners 

Are you ready to start investing?

• The Simple Path to Wealth by J L Collins

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