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How To Make Money Blogging – Monetize Your Blog

There are many different ways to make money from your blog. Some bloggers use just one or two income streams to monetize their blog.

What monetization strategies you use to make money from your blog is up to you, but you should always keep your audience in mind when using them.

Here are the main ways bloggers make money from their blog:

Make money running online ads on your blog

You can start monetizing your blog by running online ads on it.  Google AdSense is one of the best ways to monetize your blog with online ads.

Once you apply for an AdSense account and are approved as an AdSense publisher, you can choose what type of ads to show. When people click on one of your ads, you will make money. 

How much you make from an ad will depend on the niche of your blog and the advertiser that pays for the ad. However, you will need a lot of traffic to generate a substantial amount of money from AdSense ads.

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Make money selling your own products or services

A blog can be an awesome way to market and sell your own products online and offline. For example, you can create and sell your own physical or digital products or sell your own digital services, depending on your skills.

The type of digital products you can create and sell through your blog can include ebooks, online courses, and other digital downloads. By adding ecommerce software. It is as simple as adding a WordPress plugin to your blog. You can also add a PayPal Button or a piece of shopping cart software from an eCommerce service provider to your blog. 

When it comes to selling your own services, there are lots of options, depending on your skills. If you write content for your own blog, you could consider offering blog writing services to others who need their blogs too.

Freelance writing is another option. You can use your blog as a portfolio of your writing work that demonstrates your capabilities as a freelance writer to your potential clients. You now can also offer blog management services and working as a blogger Virtual Assistant. 

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Make money from affiliate marketing

One of the best and easiest ways to make money from a blog is affiliate marketing. This is where you promote products or services of other people on your blog through unique links, commonly known as affiliate links, provided to you by them.

Then when someone clicks on one of the links they are redirected to the website of the affiliate link provider and if they make a purchase, you earn a flat fee or a percentage of the transaction, depending on the affiliate program.

You need to find the right products or services to promote if you want to make money via affiliate marketing on your blog. If you promote products or services you personally use, your readers will trust you and may be willing to buy your recommended products.

I recommend the course Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing if you are looking to really dig into affiliate marketing and make serious money from it.


As you have seen, starting a blog is easy and there are lots of ways to monetize your blog, including running online ads, selling your own products/services, selling other people’s products/services via affiliate marketing, or through sponsored posts.

The amount of money you can make from your blog depends on the traffic your blog gets, how engaged your blog visitors are, and your monetization strategies.

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