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Money Motivation

Random Acts of Kindness

Christmas is my favorite time of year and always puts me in the extra giving spirit. My husband, Jayme and I decided about a year ago to create a new sinking fund in our monthly budget called “Spontaneous Giving”. This is a fund that we can use as our heart prompts to give to specific causes, a friend in need or to a complete stranger. We have had so much fun with this and have been able to help with medical bills, mission trips, paying for groceries, the list goes on an on.

This year, Budget Girl on YouTube put out a challenge to come up with a Random Act of Kindness. Nothing was out of bounds, just what you felt led to do. Jayme and I thought a lot about what we wanted to do and decided to participate in the #DoubleTheBillChallenge, this is where you tip the same amount as your final bill while you are out to eat. We have both worked in the service industry and have found this time of year to be extra crazy, people are stressed and often a lot harsher to waitresses and waiters. We wanted to brighten someone’s day! And the look on our waitress’s face when she glanced at the receipt did just that!

This was something very simple that we did but we could tell that it made a difference to her and was more about appreciating her hard work and serving us with such care!

Please take some time to check out all of the other people participating in this collab and I challenge YOU to come up with something or some way that you can show extra kindness to someone this holiday season!

Budget Girl

Lydia Senn/Frugal Debt Free Life

Flea Market Flipper

One Happy Frugal Family

Rachael Lyn

Greater Good Financial

Andy Hill

Adulting With Money

The Budget Bounce

Q Makes It Happen

Julie Rains

Six Figures Under

City Girl Living on a Budget

Mary Ann Raemisch

Budget With Becky

Money Mom

Quest to FIRE

Debt Free Millennials

Marissa Lyda – The Budgeting Wife

Wendy Valencia

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